21 Breastfeeding Tips To Effectively Boost Milk Supply From A Tried & Tested Mom

Discover a collection of proven breastfeeding tips from an experienced mother. This blog provides you with 21 effective methods to boost your milk supply and ensure successful breastfeeding. Learn from someone who has been through it and find valuable insights to enhance your breastfeeding journey.
One of the most significant achievements for a woman on this planet is the act of bringing new life into the world. When I had my first child, it was my diligent desire to breastfeed, and I extensively researched the numerous health benefits associated with breast milk. During the later stages of my pregnancy, I dedicated a lot of time and resources to finding the perfect breast pump and investing in recommended products and accessories to ensure successful breastfeeding.
Unfortunately, after giving birth, my milk supply diminished rapidly, and my pumping needs surpassed my milk output. This led me to reluctantly visit the grocery store and purchase baby formula, feeling defeated. However, my determination to increase my milk supply prevailed, and I discovered tried and tested methods that helped me on my journey to improve milk production. Join me as we refuse to give up and face this challenge as a team of resilient women, determined to surpass even the milk output of Daisy the Cow! Without further ado, let’s dive into these valuable and effective tips that can boost your milk supply.

1. Nurse frequently.
It’s recommended to have several breastfeeding sessions every 2 to 3 hours to stimulate milk production. The baby will love this as their usually hungry around these times as a newbie anyways. The more you breastfeed the more you’re telling your body to produce more milk as there’s a need.
2. Ensure a proper latch.
Make sure your baby is latching correctly to make sure your breasts are being emptied every time you breastfeed. If you gave birth in the hospital or even at home there are tons of Lactation Consultants who specialize in breastfeeding issues along with proper latching techniques that can help correct latching.
3. Breastfeed on demand.
Respond to your baby’s cues and feed whenever they show hunger signs. Allowing the breastfeed-on-demand method will cause a schedule to start forming as well. Schedules are key for an adjusting baby as well.
4. Avoid pacifiers and bottles, if you can…
In the wee early weeks, it’s best to avoid introducing the baby to artificial nipples to establish a strong breastfeeding routine. Also, it causes less confusion for the baby as transitions into the world. If you’re dying to get a break by trying a bottle, but don’t want the baby to have nipple confusion…Talk to your pediatrician first, but if you plan to introduce a bottle (conventional wisdom suggests between four and six weeks, although many moms use them from the start), it’s recommend Joovy’s aptly named Boob model, which is a breastfeeding aid designed to avoid nipple confusion.

Joovy Boob Glass Bottle & Sleeve, Blue, 5 Ounce
5. Practice skin-to-skin contact.
Hold your baby against your skin to promote bonding, blood flow, and milk stimulation. There are tons of benefits associated with skin-to-skin contact. Also, wearing your baby helps with bonding as well, check out this Keababie Baby Wrap Carrier, I was able to have hands-free bonding with the baby.
6. Stay hydrated.
Drink plenty of water and eat tons of fruit, both will properly hydrate you to enhance more milk flow.
7. Eat a balanced diet.
I know, I know eating too much may seem counterproductive when it comes to losing the baby weight, but breastfeeding actually promotes weight loss and helps breastmilk supply. Include foods like fruits, veggies that promote fiber, and whole grains to support milk production. After researching a few diets I found out that a vegan and/or vegetarian diet can help aid additional milk flow as well. Check out our article on the benefits of a vegan diet here…
8. Consider lactation-boosting foods
Oats, fenugreek, fennel, and brewer’s yeast are known to increase milk supply for some women.
9. Get enough rest.
Make getting enough sleep a priority whenever possible to support your body’s lactation process. Follow one of the New Mom Golden rules, When The Baby Sleeps, You Sleep.
10. Use breast compression.
While nursing, gently compresses your breasts to encourage milk flow.
11. Try different feeding positions.
Experiment with various breastfeeding positions to find the one that works best for you and your baby. Comfortability is half the battle once you find the right position. The boppy actually helped me achieve the best position every time I breastfed, check out this boppy because all aren’t rated as the same.

Niimo Nursing Pillow for Breastfeeding – Multifunctional Breast Feeding Pillows for Mom, Nursing Pillows for Breastfeeding, Baby Support, Breastfeeding Pillows, Removable Cover, Jungle
12. Avoid tight bras or clothing.
Opt for comfortable, supportive bras that don’t restrict milk flow. When it comes to breastfeeding there are tons of bras that help in being comfortable without squeezing your breast to aid in comfort. Check out these nursing bras for inspiration. Click here...
13. Breastfeed during the night.
Trust me, you’ll think of yourself later once you give nighttime nursing sessions a try. They can help stimulate prolactin levels, which aids in milk production.
14. Express milk after breastfeeding.
Use a breast pump to express any remaining milk after nursing to signal your body to produce more. This wireless breast pump was a lifesaver for milk expressions between feedings.

Breast Pump, Wearable Breast Pump, S12 Hands-Free Breast Pump, 2 Mode & 9 Levels, 24mm Flange, 2 Pack
15. Avoid or limit the long-term use of pacifiers.
Sucking on a pacifier may reduce your baby’s demand for breast milk.
16. Minimize stress.
Find ways to relax and reduce stress, as stress can sometimes interfere with milk production. If it’s dragging you down mentally, physically, or spiritually cut it off, whatever the “it” is. Cutting out the chaos will aid in overall well-being and health which always promotes a healthy “you” for baby. Want to know a little secret, this product helped me alleviate a lot of stress when it came to breastfeeding, which can be stressful on its own. See below…

USA Merchant | Hot/Cold Plush Breast Gel Bead Packs by L’AUTRE PEAU Set of 2 Relief for Breastfeeding, Nursing Pain, Mastitis, Engorgement, Swelling, Plugged Ducts | Boost Milk Let-Down & Production
17. Seek support.
Join a breastfeeding support group or consult a lactation consultant for guidance and encouragement. The more support with baby a mom has the more merrier for everyone.
18. Avoid or limit the use of formulas.
Supplementing with formula can reduce the demand for breast milk, affecting milk production. But if it’s a must or you might be unsure sure if the baby is receiving enough milk, make sure to consult with your Doctor.
19. Massage your breast.
Gentle breast massage before and during nursing can help stimulate milk flow. Try this new-aged warming lactation massager designed specifically to produce additional flow.
20. Consider pumping between feedings.
Adding pumping sessions between feedings can increase milk production. Also, to catch the additional milk drippage though I never had any luck with the Haaka, I’ve heard that it’s a game changer with catching the additional milk that’s gather between feedings. You can make the purchase here…
21. Be Patient and persistent.
Increasing your milk supply takes time and dedication, so stay committed to the process. You will breastfeed and you will be the best momma this kid will ever see, You Got This!